Value |
Category |
Belongs to her husband |
Brother in law |
Child |
Church member |
Company land that was allocated to me from the heads of the company |
Deceased husband's property |
Father of owner |
Friend of landowner |
Government land |
He is married to the niece of the owner |
He is my father |
He was just given the land since it's closer to his house |
Healed the owner's daughter |
Hospital land |
It belongs to her husband |
Married to the owner |
Mother in law gave to him as a gift after their first child was born |
Mother in law gave to him as a gift when his wife gave birth |
Mother in-law |
Non relative spouse |
Owner just liked how Akosua Akyaa farm so just allocated that portion for her to farm |
Parent in-law |
Share of Land after years of Working on land as farm Labourer |
She is the daughter in-law of owner. |
Spouse father allotted it to her |
Spouse owns the plot |
The good work and relationship developed with the owner while Ishark Musa worked with the owner |
The owner of the land its his brother in law |
The priest of the gods of the community |
When you start planting the trees then you can now start farming on your own |
Wife's farm land |